I sure did! Mesquite was a blast. about quarter to midnight, I hit the video poker for a royal flush progressive==1600 Bucks baby! whoo hoo! That was such a great way to ring in the new year. :D
I er uh, drank a bit to much though, or it was the champane and wine mixture, but oh man, I did not feel so well on the first. Dh thought he was really funny by snapping a picture of me in all my glory! (dog, he will get his, lol) Yea, he thought I had so much that I wouldn't miss the 200 bucks he took from my wallet. HELLO-- YES I NOTICED---NOW GIVE IT BACK!!!!! grrrrrrrr. I already gave him a hundred to blow and I took a hundred to blow, and put the rest away!
Anyway, I had a wonderful time, even had a couple of guys hitting on me--with dh right there, lolol. Did my ego good. :D
Here are a couple of pics. :D Hope your new years were great!
Sunny Studio 9th Birthday Blog Hop
3 months ago