I was chosen by Provida life sciences to do a testimonial for their new informercial. It is for the Michael Thrumonds 6 week body makeover, the plan I have been following for the last year.
Doing this plan has definately changed my life. I have lost 110 pounds, went from a size 24 to a size 6! ACK! I ahve never been a size 6-- except maybe once when I was 10, and on my way up to bigger sizes.
Anyway, they flew me out to california for the weekend. we did the tv shoot on saturday, it was so much fun! There were 7 of us. They treated us like big hollywood stars. My hotel room was on the 12th floor, and you needed your key card to get there. there was a resturant, bar, etc. on the 12th floor. And the reason you need a key card is the floor is reserved for stars! lol. I didn't find that out until my last night, or I may have hung out in the hall to see who I could see, lolol.
The shoot was awesome! There was a caterer there serving clean foods (oh,they were so good too) all day long. We hung out outside the set so we could see each person as they came out of wardrobe and makeup. We could go in and watch if we wanted, but I wanted to be surprised, and not as nervous, lol.
So they take me in and dress me after trying on 4 or 5 different outfits. One top I absolutely loved, but I couldn't fill it out, lol. I got to keep the clothes they dressed me in. And the beautiful necklace, and a new pair of spanks, and a new bra to boot!
Then off to hair and makeup. Don was the makeup guy. He does hollywood stars, especially before their filming. He does all the desperate housewifes- the show, not the reality one, and he has done big stars like katherine hepburn, and oh I can't remember all. He says he cannot write a tell all book until he is retired, lol, or he would never work again. He let me in on a few secrets tho, pretty funny--hey they are people too!
Then I went in for my testimonial. They used 3 tapes- I don't know if that is good or bad, lol. Most got 1 or 2. It was so fun, but I know I was nervous, I kept going blank- mid sentance, lol. so he would rephrase the question, and I would get my bearings together again.
After the shoot, one of the other gals and I went to dinner, then to the hotel bar for a glass of wine, and just talked. felt like we had known each other for ages. Sunday morning I flew back home, had to go to denver first, then on to GJ. It was fast, but so memorable! Something I will cherish forever. Now I have to get my pics developed so I can scrap it! Oh we got professional still done too.
There was one girl there that was absolutely such an inspiration to me on my own journey. She has lost 364 pounds! She was georgous! She has 18 pounds to go, but that is nothing compared. Anyway, here are a few pictures. we met Michael Thrumond, and he is here giving Nancy the girl that lost so much some pointers on firming up. Now mind you, some of these pictures are of me before hair, clothes and makeup, lol. There is a couple of me on the set.